My Testimony
I'm happy to know that my life is in good hands putting all my trust in him. And I'll keep believing without losing faith in the one who saved my life.
For this life is a test that I long to pass and return to him.
The joy that I feel is a promise fulfilled when I follow him, a love deep within.
For I have a testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ.
And I know his gospel was restored in these latter days
through a prophet, Joseph Smith.
And I know he translated the Book of Mormon.
In troubled times he still had faith.
And I've come to know that these things have truly come to pass from God's pow'r and will, strengthening my testimony.
(2nd verse)
It's wonderful to know of all the blessings I can gain holding steadfast to his word.
And I pray that I'll one day inherit God's kingdom with my family, we will share.
For his plan that he set for us all to go through
made it possible
to progress in this life in hopes that we might become like him.
One day we'll live with him.
For I have a testimony. I know that Jesus Christ lives.
And I know that blessings comes to those who follow him heeding the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
And I know it's possible families can be eternal
if we strive to build his kingdom today.
Even tho' I make mistakes, he provided a way
where I can repent and change, strengthening my testimony.
For I have a testimony of this gospel, it is true.
My Testimony downloads
**side note - the recording is in Key G
About the song...
I wrote this song when I was 19 years old. Although life has thrown me my fair share of trials, I can honestly say my testimony got me through some tough times. These truths I knew it then, and I gratefully know now: It is true.
"Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord..." -2 Timothy 1:8